
Immigrant Pie

Fairytale Of New York - The Pogues Featuring Kirsty MacColl

Never in a million years did I think that anyone else would pick the same holiday tune as me for this month's You Want Pies With That? challenge. When I saw yesterday that Natashya of Living in the Kitchen with Puppies had made a Fairytale of New York Pie, my jaw dropped. Not only that, but her take on it is brilliant. (It's an Irish drunkfest in a pie. The Pogues would love it.) I've been frantically searching for another seasonal song that moves me like that one. Nope. No such luck.
So I finally decided to soldier on. The number of religious customs and holiday traditions that merge in our family is just astounding. I'm amazed at how my husband's and my families carried their culinary heritage, from Latkes to Swedish Rosettes, with them to this country. The Pogues' song of heartbreak and drunkenness speaks eloquently of the dreams of the old world and new and their loss. To bring them together, I placed a traditional style European apple tart on a thoroughly American sweet potato crust.
Now I'm voting for Natashya.


Speedbump Kitchen said...

Libby! I got the wild rice today, thank you! I love that I'm writing this while listening to The Pogues!

Victoria said...

That looks insanely delicious. As in, it should be illegal. Wow.

Anonymous said...

That looks beautiful. And thanks to you and Natashya for introducing me to a group and a song that I'd never heard of before! Really!

NKP said...

Hello my new sister! So happy that a) someone else knows and loves the song and b) was inspired to bake from it!
I love your immigrant pie - a great interpretation.
I will think of you and raise a glass when indulging this year.

Tammy said...

that is my favourite Christmas song too! great pie!!

Jacque said...

How funny... I've never even heard that song before. Guess I'm out of the loop.

Mmmm, apples and cinnamon, two of my favorites. Your pie looks delish!

Carrie said...

Wow, this is a beautiful and looks delicious! Great job :-)

suz said...

Great pie! So great to see someone else cooking with allergies in mind. Sounds yummy.

Rambler said...

OMG that is absolutely gorgeous and looks delicious!

Bungalow Barbara said...

Neat idea! I'd never heard that song either. Thanks! How did you make the sweet potato crust?

Anonymous said...

I haven't thought of the Pogues in a very long time. Very creative take on the theme!

ColorJoy LynnH said...

I just found your blog. I have many allergies but sweet potatoes are my friend. I don't see a recipe for the crust? That would be a godsend.

LynnH in Lansing, Michigan