
Delurking Day

I tend to be a little behind the curve, but it's finally come to my attention that today is/was Delurking Day. (In case you're wondering, lurking is visiting a site regularly without leaving any comments. So delurking means to say something already!)
The Allergic Kid isn't exactly a high traffic site. Feedburner tells me I have about 90 subscribers. Since I get about 150 hits on days that I post and 50 to 75 hits from search engines on days that I don't, that seems about right. (Other tidbits from my stats: Australians always seem to be looking for vegan key lime pie and federal employees really need a good tilapia recipe. NASA and DoJ, I'm talking to you!)
What does this mean? First, thank you for visiting my little blog. Having almost a hundred people show up for my crazy recipes and rants about ingredient labels just blows me away. It really does. Second, it's time to break out of your shell and introduce yourself!
So 'Oy to Canberra and 'Eh to Vancouver! Tel-Aviv, Shalom! Winter Park, hi, neighbor! Blue Cross/Blue Shield, this is a health related site, right? Baden-Wuerrtemberg, 'lass sich mal endlich vorstellen! I suspect that most of the hits I get from Jordan and Iraq are U.S. Servicemembers, so stay safe, guys, ok?
Don't be shy, come on out and play!
Thanks to Aimee of Greeblemonkey for creating the awesome and potentially offensive Delurking Logo. It fits right in, doesn't it?


Katie said...

I'll delurk. I'm a mom to a toddler w/ dairy, egg, nut & sesame allergies. I enjoy reading how you & other bloggers are dealing with things. I also enjoy getting new recipes. Thanks for maintaining your blog!

Anonymous said...

You know I check in at least once a day to check up on how you are caring for my grandson. Love you all. The kid's Nana

Anonymous said...

I'm relatively new to your site. I have a daughter who is starting to outgrown her allergies, but I am always interested in tips and ideas and stories of how others approach the same situation.

Anonymous said...

How can I resist such an invitation?? Great site, great recipes--I do drop by regularly, but don't always comment! :)

Heather Vitella said...


We are dairy, soy and gluten (wheat, etc) free as well as some other fun ones. Always on the lookout for good recipes and tips on food.


Debbie said...

Hi, I don't know if I have posted a comment here before or not, but I check your blog from my bloglines. I love having the blogworld support in the allergy adventure. Thanks for the blog.

Elisa said...

I'll delurk. I am a nanny to a 3 1/2 year old with egg, nut, sesame, fish and melon allergies. I enjoy reading your solutions and suggestions! Carry on.

Maggie said...

I missed Delucking day! I'm dying to know who else is reading me, other than the family and friends I force to.

BTW, the orange tarts would be great with any sweet pastry. I had a great recipe from a Rachel Ray magazine (please don't turn me into the foodie police). It worked wonderfully dairy-free, had no eggs and was super easy but I lost it, boo hoo!

Maggie said...

Delurking day, darn you typos!

Anonymous said...

Well I always read, but never leave a comment.... I think your blog is great! I have a son with multiple food allergies, dairy, peanut, egg, berries, fish...and more. It really helps to see I am not alone. Thanks for the blog!

Anonymous said...

Just de-lurking....how could I not. First of all, I really enjoy your blog. I am the Mom of a picky 7yr old w/no FA's and a thankfully a NOT picky 3.5 yr old w/allergies to p'nuts, dairy and egg. He is ANA to dairy, the others never eaten. So to have so much great info around food and a parent(s)who understand is HUGE! Keep blogging and I'll post more, Monica :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm delurking. I am mother to one child with an egg allergy and another with allergies to peanuts, treenuts, egg, dairy, soy, avocado, banana, chicken, and has just gone positive on RASTs for chickpeas, navy beans, lentils, and peas. I can't eat soy. So... we have a lot of food issues, and I love coming here to get ideas! :) Keep it up.

Libby said...

Wow, thank you guys so much! All these warm fuzzies...sniff

I Guess now there's no avoiding the big blog overhaul I've been wanting to do!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I found out about your blog a few months ago at Coffee and Vanilla's Wholesome Lunchbox and I've been following it since then. I think it's really inspirational! For the delurking part... I'm Isa, from Buenos Aires (Argentina).

elana said...

i love reading your blog (it's on my google reader). my 3 year old son is allergic to dairy (his highest allergy), soy, peanuts, tree nuts and sesame.

his twin sister has no allergies that we know of. it's a challenge, especially with a kid the same age who can eat some of the things my son can't. rice milk for all, though!

din said...

Hi Allergy Mom,

I'm delurking from Melbourne, Australia, I'm a mum with a daughter with nut and egg allergies (who's just about to start school - ahhh!). Thanks so much for the blog, it is fantastic to feel we're not doing this alone.

Anonymous said...

I peek in here occasionally.
I have an 8 yr old ana to milk and eggs. Thanks for the recipes!!!
Kathleen in Ann ARbor, MI