It irritates me no end that I still have the urge to use Mommy Spit, the Universal Cleanser, on a Kleenex to wipe my child's face, as my mom did to me. My mental review of my diet for potential allergens in the previous few hours stops me long enough to realize...ew. Sorry, Mom, it's still disgusting.
We didn't have baby wipes when you were a kid and it worked for generations before you. Love you, The kid's Nana
Too funny my mom used to do the same thing. I have also started to do it, only to stop and think about what I have eaten! These are little things that not everyone has to think about!
Never thought about that. Geez. Mom spit miught be gross but it's always handy! ;)
Yeah, I agree that mommy spit is gross, but when I need to clean my son's face, I use MY finger (because I KNOW it's cleaner than his) with HIS spit. That just doesn't seem so disgusting to me. :)
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