Found trawling the world wide interwebs:
The lovely folks at Enjoy Life have started a blog. Go say hello.
FAAN's website got a facelift, and the sexy new look is very user friendly. I especially like the "Find a Support Group Near You" feature. Don't forget to check out the Holiday Auction. (Anyone want to go in with me to bid on the dinner for four at Ming Tsai's restaurant Blue Ginger?)
Allerglobal is a new company offering use of a free translation service, which creates passport sized cards listing the holders food allergies in 27 different languages. The Beta version looks excellent if you are heading to Europe, and I'm sure it will improve as other foods and languages are added. (I'm far less enthusiastic about the "free toolbar" the site also offers.)
Aimee of Sugared Ellipses is giving away a set of Penzeys Spices. You can almost smell them through the photos.
Cooking Tip of the Day is giving away a Vacu Vin Garlic Press.
You may or may not have heard about the Vanish Project, a digital game of hide and seek in which Wired writer Evan Ratliff's attempted to create a new identity. Ratliff lost the 30 day challenge in part due to his celiac disease when he was busted on day 25 ordering gluten free at Naked Pizza in New Orleans.
Have a great weekend!
Hello Libby, You and I have met through the local FAAN Walk. I co-chaired the event with Kathleen. As you know, I have an online store with resources for those with food allergies/intolerances. I would like to feature one of your recipes on my site for my customers to try. I give full credit and links back to you...along with mentions in press releases, newsletter and social media. Please let me know if you are interested. Your blog looks great. Have a Happy Holiday Season.
Jamie Stern, owner
Thanks for these links, I have a couple to add! Many school cleaning products contain asthmagens, and now that disinfection has been stepped up for H1N1 a lot of schools are spraying bleach which is not only not the safest solution for allergic (and non-allergic!) children, it's not the most environmentally safe solution or the even the most effective at combatting H1N1. There are greener, healthier, more effective options such as Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide. Get involved! Here's a sample letter to your child’s school: and some questions to ask:
Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!
Hi Libby,
I've just started my own food allergy/running blog at, and I've enjoyed reading yours. It's great to see that I'm not alone! I love your mini meatball lunch idea. Makes me want to get more visually creative with my allergy free recipes, rather than just go for perfecting taste and texture. Thanks for the inspiration!
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