
And the Winner Is....

Update:  The original winner did not respond to me after two emails in three days, so I have selected a new winner.

Congratulations to Emily Melinda on winning a copy of the new Divvies Bakery Cookbook by Lori Sandler.  Thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway and to St. Martin's Press for being kind enough to share both copies.

You may notice that the max generator number is showing 100.  It was actually set to run for 46, which is less than the number of comments.  That was due to a few "oops, forgot my email addresses," a couple of readers from outside the country (sorry Margot and Aparna!) and one lovely person who commented, but requested that the book be given to someone with food allergies.

Have a good week!

True Random Number Generator  11 9Powered by RANDOM.ORG


Em said...

so sorry...I am so bummed I missed out when i actually won something! I was so excited to get the book, but was on vacation for a while. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Libby said...

Emily, I am so sorry! I don't have an extra copy of the cookbook, but I'll see what I can do as a consolation.