
Happy New Year!

For most of 2010 my work schedule made it impossible for me to blog as much as I would have liked.  Along the way I realized how much I missed it, and how much my little home on the internet means to me.  Lately I've gone back to my previous, far more accommodating schedule, so I've decided to take advantage of it and shake things up around here:

  • My reason for blogging, my Allergic Kid, is now 7 years old with his own unique perspective and opinions.  I'd like to post more of his voice, instead of just mine.
  • Social media has finally gotten the best of me, as you can tell by the cute (and somewhat oversized) Twitter and Facebook icons in the sidebar.  So please give me a click if you are into either of them, and hopefully that will add to the fun.  (Yep, I'm still a skeptic, but willing to give it a try!)
  • There's a series of posts about managing food allergies on the way.   I've had them backburnered for several years now, but I shall procrastinate no more!  (Really.)  Occasionally I do get emails asking for information, and I'd like to have it all available out here in public.
  • I'm finally building a general food allergy resources page (to be up soon).
  • Some of the older recipes on the blog are going to get makeovers.

There's also a several book reviews (mostly cookbooks) on the way, plus a couple of surprises.  I plan to keep blogging mostly about the food side of food allergies as I've always done, but please let me know in comments if you have any requests, either for recipes or anything else!

I wish you a happy, healthy and safe New Year!


ZM said...

happy 2011, Libby! Hope it's a good - and safe - year.

Jennifer is Always Sick said...

Hi. I found you through twitter, and I read through your "about me" page. Your formula story almost mirrors mine exactly. Our oldest had eczema all over his face, but the doctor said nothing about food allergies. She just gave us cortisone cream and sent us on our way. It barely helped him. Then I offered him milk based formula for the first time, and he puked and puked. I kept nursing him, but on the advise of my mother, cut dairy out of my diet, and his eczema cleared up!

Now we have varying food allergies in the house, including dairy, eggs, peanuts, and tree nuts. I also post recipes that I've stumbled onto accidentally, in addition to easy ingredient substitutions.

Nice to "meet" you! :) Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Libby!!!

These are great resolutions and I'm looking forward to hearing more from The Kid (and surprises because I'm just a big kid and I love surprises!).