
Confessions of a Food Allergy Mom #1

On my days off from work, sometimes I'll take The Kid to school then come home and make myself an omelet just oozing with cheese.


Nowheymama said...

You're not alone. Now that K. eats lunch at school, sometimes Eli and I eat cheese sandwiches or mac n' cheese. Shhh....

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

I do the same thing!!! Or I put cheese on Triscuits and gorge myself. Then I scrub myself and all surrounding areas clean :)

Speedbump Kitchen said...

I put disposable gloves on and eat peanut butter out of the jar with a disposable spoon on the back step, then brush my teeth furiously. I think I'd feel less guilty having a glass of wine at 9am.

Coffee and Vanilla said...

...and when I'm not watching my husband is eating out peanut butter straight from the jar ;)

Happy New Year Libby!!!
