For my little Barfasaurus I combined leftover chicken with white rice wrapped in a plain tortilla, which was rolled burrito style for ease of handling. Along with it are homemade applesauce, a few graham cracker bees, a juice box, and dinosaur sticker. It's packed in one of the Chinese take out containers I save to use for grown up lunches.

I broke a lot of my own guidelines for Kid friendly lunches with this one. It's not all finger food and there are extra containers to open and close with the potential for spillage. Plus I sent an eco unfriendly juice box in a disposable container to insure that The Kid would drink all the fluids despite the thirst quenching applesauce. (I don't understand the appeal, but he sucks those things down.)
He ate everything except for half the burrito, so I'm pleased both with his recovery and how well he managed the containers. Maybe next year I be able to start using a thermos...it's fairly disturbing how much the possibility excites me!
MMMM.....looks yummy.
I save those containers too!
What awesome recipes you've created. You are so creative. I'm going to try some of these.
Very interesting. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
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