Welcome to the Food Allergy Blog Carnival! I'd like to thank Rational Jenn for allowing me to host her long running and highly successful carnival. It's become so successful, that this round up attracted record amounts of spam. More carnival submissions landed in the trash than in the carnival.
If you are a member of the food allergy community, which of course includes celiac disease and a wide variety of food intolerance and dietary restrictions, I love reading your articles and getting a glimpse into your life and your kitchen. Or if you are a vegan and want to share the latest egg and dairy free creation from your oven, bring on the baked goods!
However, if you think the carnival will flog any kind of medications or medical training for you, think again. This is not the forum for general health, wellness, or diet information. Please take all your supplements and herbs... elsewhere.
Also, if you are a food blogger and have a recipe that really doesn't have anything to do with avoiding allergens, may I gently suggest you check out Is My Blog Burning? This site maintains a current list of food blog events which might be more appropriate.
Now, onto the carnival.
Kate Saltfleet of Experiments in Living shares an absolutely decadent egg and dairy free recipe for Chocolate Ganache Cake. (Yum.) There was absolutely no deprivation at this vegan's housewarming party!
Lara DeHaven of Texas Homesteader announces that she will be publishing an entire collection of wheat, dairy, and peanut free recipes in Writing an E-Cookbook. If you hurry over and subscribe to her blog, you might be one of the lucky recipients of a free copy.
Alisa of Go Dairy Free reviews Ricki Heller of Diet, Dessert, and Dogs' new cookbook Sweet Freedom and shares two recipes from it in Vegan Butter Tarts and a Chocolaty Date Cake. (If you think that sentence was a mouthful, wait until you see these simply amazing treats without any refined sugars, refined flours, eggs, dairy, or wheat flour!)
Alisa, who also blogs at One Frugal Foodie, brings nutritious and flavorful dishes of her own to the table with Sweet Dijon Dressing and The World's Easiest Healthy Chicken Recipe. Both of these have landed in my "try at the earliest opportunity" recipe file.
More Food:
Kim, The Food Allergy Coach, reviews hemp products in Hemp: A replacement for common food allergens? She asks, "Free of many common allergens, various hemp products are hitting the market fast & furious, but are they any good?" Find out how hemp milk and seeds compare both nutritionally and in taste.
Alison of Sure Foods Living prepares for rampaging hordes of hungry kids in her Allergen-Free Summer Treats Guide 2009. She includes lists of both commercial and homemade treats, as well as a sneaky trick to get your child to snack on frozen spinach. Seriously.
Alisa of Go Dairy Free helpfully does the math for you in Grocery Discounts and Coupon Codes at a Glance for Frugal Shopping Needs. She adds, "Since I have special diet needs, I shop online for some grocery items. I started compiling these Amazon Grocery lists, since I usually find at least a few gems each month for a great price." This list has to be seen to be believed!Living the Food Allergy Lifestyle:
Ruth Smith of Best Allergy Sites shares a helpful tip for easily communicating food allergy information in Business Cards for Food Allergies. She even has a link to let you order free cards.
Many thanks to Janeen of Our Story: The Good, The Bad, And The Food Allergies for letting the world know that it's the season to celebrate casein, whey, and lactose free in Happy Dairy Alternative Month. Maybe it's time to finally try some of that coconut milk ice cream!
Christine of Corn Allergic: What I Reacted to Today describes her strategy for eating out without eating in Ordering Nothing. While this is a good reminder that occasions are about the people, not the food, it's still saddening that eating in restaurants is so difficult for the food allergic "eating out" means brown bagging or not eating at all.
Finally, on a more positive note, Jennifer B. of Food Allergy Buzz presents a video highlighting some remarkable medical progress in A Look at Some of the Food Allergy Research Funded by FAAN.
That's it for this time. Thanks to all of you who shared your stories, tips, and recipes. The next carnival will be hosted by Sarah, the No Whey Mama. Don't forget to send in your (on-topic) submissions here!
Thanks so much for hosting! Lots of great stuff in the carnival :)
Great job, everyone! Gee, I can't wait to have my inbox filled with spam. :)
Thanks for the great job on the carnival. I am just checking out some of the posts now.
It is amazing how many off-topic ones come in, isn't it?
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