
Wrap it up!

We seem to be on a wrap kick around here.  Surprisingly, this one was specifically requested by The Kid, even though he usually prefers sandwiches without meat.  He made an exception for this tortilla spread with Tofutti Better Than Cream Cheese and rolled up with thinly sliced turkey.  On the side are cucumber chunks, chocolate Teddy Grahams, grapes, apple juice/water mix and a stegosaurus sticker.


Anonymous said...

Wraps are such a great idea for lunch! I can't find any tortillas here without trans fats, and though I do make my own, they are never as supple as store-bought. Love them, though.
Hey, where's that email? XOXO

Camille said...

What brand of turkey do you use? Thank you, Camille

Libby said...

Hi Camille, I usually use the Publix store brand (not from the deli) and occasionally Land O'Frost. Lunch meat labels can be really hard to read. Once I found one (not sure which brand) with "whey" listed in the ingredients in microscopic print on a soft package without being highlighted as a milk product! It's pretty unusual for The Kid to want any in his sandwich, but I try to buy a safe for him brand for my husband and me anyway.

David H said...

Since we here in Ireland can't buy GF Tortillas or wraps, I use this recipe for a pancake type wrap.

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