
Valentine's Day Recipes

Here's a few recipes from the archives for a deliciously sweet Valentine's Day!

These Creamsicle Cut Out Cookies make fantastic heart shaped treats, on or off a stick.  They lend themselves to easy flavor variation, too.  My personal favorite is raspberry lemon.  Just substitute raspberry preserves for the orange marmalade and zest a lemon instead of an orange.

I originally made these Be My Valentine Cakes as a Little Debbie substitute, but they are a decadent treat that hardly compares.

They are still the closest I've come to making an allergy friendly brownie that I'm happy with.

As a final option, here is my old, reliable Red Velvet Cake recipe.  They are wonderful as a layer cake or as a cupcake of any shape or color!

Here's wishing you a safe and loving Valentine's Day!


danatan79 said...

everything looks amazing!!! :D so yummmm!

Altax said...

Hmmm Yummy. Looks awesome!!! I like the last one.

Valentines Day Worksheets