At my son's annual I.E.P. meeting a few weeks ago, one of the school staff told me about a conversation she had with The Kid:
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: An astronaut and a paleontologist.
Q: What would you eat in space?
A: My mom would pack food for me!
Yes. Yes, she would.
Today's lunch is ready for blast off with a couple of hot dog aliens (turkey dogs and spaghetti) in silver flying saucers (cupcake liners), another in a long running series of lunch box foods that adults won't eat cold, but kids will gobble up, grapes with food pick rings, an astronaut sticker claiming the pretzels for all humankind, cookies in the shape of a rocket and the number 42 made from the raspberry and lemon version of my Creamsicle Cut Outs, all of which is packed in an Easy Lunchbox. Apple juice is in a reusable juice box on the side.
If you do manage to leave the planet today, make sure you don't forget your towel.
In remembrance of Douglas Adams, an author who took me across a galaxy only he could have imagined.
I'm sharing my interplanetary lunch with:
- What's for Lunch Wednesday hosted by Shannon of Bento Lunch Net
- and Margot of Coffee and Vanilla for her Healthy Lunch Box round up. (This month I promise to remember to email you my submission!) and
- The UFO bento round up at BentOnBetterLunches.
Disclosure: Post contains Amazon Affiliate links.
Showing my ignorance--Why the number 42?
42!!!!!!!!!!!! The answer to all. Awesome :D This is a very fun lunch!
Anon, in Douglas Adams' novel, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, an ancient race of beings programmed a huge supercomputer to calculate the answer to life, the universe and everything.
After several millennia, the computer finally gave the answer "42". At which point, this ancient race realized that they didn't have a clue as to what the actual question was.
Maaan... I'd packed my lunches like that when I was little... :) Totally approving of the 42!
Oh my word, too, too cute Libby.
The creativity in this lunch box is out of this world! Love it.
LOVE love love this lunchbox ~ and his response to "What would you eat in space". Wonderful.
Too much fun! Man, if I ever got a lunchbox like that when I was a kid, I'd have run around the school to show EVERYONE. That is just awesome!
best lunch-packin' mom ever!! lucky kid! and thanks for all the fish!
Thanks for linking up to my UFO Day Linky! I wish I'd seen your Towel Day lunch earlier, we had a linky for that too: "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." Next year for sure though, I hope!
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